Corpus Christi weather in October is usually mild with average temperatures
of air and water in the mid-seventies Fahrenheit (highs in the mid-eighties,
lows in the mid-sixties).  Southeasterly trades of fifteen to twenty miles
per hour are common, with an occasional "cold front" blowing in from the
north to cool things off.

While visiting the charts and tables below for archives of October weather
data in Corpus Christi, notice that there are essentially no days in which
there is not enough wind to race.  This is a unique feature of Corpus
Christi that very few venues can offer.  Also, note that the second week in
October, 2000 was an aberrancy.  Those of you who were at the 2000 NA's in
Dallas will recall that week as a cold and windy adventure.  Corpus Christi
set an all-time record low of 47 degrees for October 9 in 2000.  These
temperatures are not to be expected.

National Weather Service Archives

Conrad Blucher Institute Charts:

October 1999

October 2000

To do your own research, or check real-time data, click this link and choose
the Naval Air Station for a site on Corpus Christi Bay, ten miles from CCYC.

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